Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Last updated 22.10.2023

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If you have a specific medical concern, you should consult with your general practitioner or other appropriate healthcare providers.

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Catherine Spiteri Osteopath, and your privacy

The provision of safe and quality osteopathic care is our principal concern. This requires a strong relationship between the osteopath and the patient based on trust and confidentiality.

Your osteopath regards your health information as confidential. Your personal information is handled in accordance with the practice’s privacy policy and is consistent with Commonwealth and State/Territory law. You are entitled to know what personal information is held about you; how and under what circumstances it may be disclosed; when consent is required for these purposes; and how it is stored.

We will discuss these matters with you at the time your health information is collected while attending this practice.

This Privacy Policy applies to this website, as well as any data we may collect across partnered sites like our patient management software Cliniko.

Clinical records are stored and transmitted securely and safeguarded against loss or damage.

Information collected during the time of booking is recorded and stored on Cliniko. The information relating to your presenting complaint during consultation is recorded and stored on Cliniko. Click here to see Cliniko’s privacy policy

Catherine Spiteri Osteopath uses the Hicaps system for processing payments. Information is not stored. Any online payments done via Internet banking and governed by the privacy policy of your bank or your use of their website and applications.

Access to your information

You have the right to access your information. You may ask to view the information or ask for a copy of a part or of the whole record. You are not required to give reasons, but you may be asked to clarify the scope of the request.

Often a request will need to be in writing. Access to some information may be limited in some circumstances, but in such an event we will advise you of the reasons.

At your request, your health information held by this practice will be made available to another health service provider.

Under the Privacy Principles, the practice may charge a fee if it incurs costs in providing access, particularly if records need to be copied. Typically, it’s about $25 but may be higher for larger files.

If you find that the information held is not accurate or complete, you may have that information amended accordingly.

Parents/guardians and children

Although this may surprise some parents, privacy laws apply to children as well as adults. Under the Privacy Guidelines, a child’s right to privacy of their health information may at times restrict access by parents/guardians to that same information

Collection, use, and disclosure of your health information

Osteopaths must keep clinical records. It’s a government requirement, and information about your medical and family health history is needed to provide accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatment.

We will only seek information that is relevant to your health. This information is generally collected directly from you or otherwise with your consent. However, from time to time we may receive information from others (for example, X-ray images and referrals from other practitioners). When this occurs, we will wherever possible make sure you know we have received this information.

Some information about you may be provided to Medicare or your private health insurer, if relevant, for billing and rebate purposes. This information generally does not include your detailed clinical records but may depend on the terms of your insurance policy.

There are circumstances where a health practitioner is legally required to disclose information. An example of this is a subpoena or other mandatory reporting requirements.

Generally, workers compensation and traffic accident schemes require patients treated under those schemes to agree their health information can be shared with the scheme and its insurers.

It is necessary for us to keep your health information for as long as is required by law (generally 7 years after your last consultation, but longer in some circumstances).

We will inform you if we intend to transfer your clinical records to another osteopath or clinic, or if we sell or close this clinic.

Online bookings Terms of Use (as appears when completing online bookings through Cliniko)

The terms of using the online booking system are as follows:

“A confirmation text is sent 1-3 days prior to the appointment which requires a ‘Y’ text reply to confirm your attendance. If you wish to opt out of these texts please contact us at

Clients are to cancel/reschedule their appointment if they become unwell with a fever, cough. Clients are to cancel/reschedule their appointment if they test positive to Covid-19. If they do test positive for Covid-19, they acknowledge that they will not present to the clinic for at least 7 days following the positive test.

Cancellation/rescheduling of an appointment can be completed by replying to the confirmation text, or calling Catherine on 0434225544, or email Catherine appreciates your consideration during times of illness, and cancellation fees do not apply in this instance.

Cancelling and Rescheduling Policy.
We require 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. A $50 fee will apply if less than 24hours notice is provided. This fee will need to be paid prior to your next appointment.

In submitting this booking, Catherine Spiteri Osteopath will be storing your personal information on Cliniko (patient management software). Please review and ensure you accept the privacy policy as shown in the following link.”

You are required to agree to these Terms of Use in order to book an appointment online.

How data breaches are handled

An eligible data breach is where there has been an unauthorised access or disclosure of the personal information collected by Catherine Spiteri Osteopath, and this is breach is likely to resort in serious harm to the individuals affected. If there is a data breach and your personal information collected is directly at risk, you will be notified within 72 hours of discovering the breach. You will be informed of what information is at risk and what action we are taking, or have taken, to rectify the breach. We are required by law to notify the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OIAC).  There will be a review of internal procedures to prevent a recurrence.

Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

By accessing our website, you accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, and you consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. 

Links to other websites
We provide links to other websites or applications to assist with providing further information and options. However, we are not responsible for the privacy practices utilised by those websites, nor for the information or content they contain. Hence, this Privacy Policy does not apply to your use of a third-party website accessed by selecting a link via our website. We suggest you read the privacy statements of other websites before proceeding to use them.

Have some questions?

If you have questions or concerns related to the privacy of your information, you should discuss these with Catherine (, P: 0434225544).

If you are dissatisfied, contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at 1300 363 992 or access further information via